I switched over from using the UE5 Mannequin to creating my own AnimBP and whenever I spawn my character wants to face forward - by that I mean it plays animations but if I stop input it always wants to face the direction that it spawned in. Originally, it wouldn’t even face the new direction when I turned (it always faced forward) - but when I changed the Z Rotation Rate from the default to -1.0 in the character movement component then it DOES face this new direction until I stop input and it immediately jumps back to the spawn direction. If I change the Player Start initial direction then it also changes this initial direction that the player always wants to face. NOTE: this does not seem to be a problem about whether “Orient Rotation to Movement” is checked (it is)- and I CAN get the character to face the inputted direction, it just instantly wants to jump back to its initial spawn direction when input is done.
Did you try changing the import rotation of your idle animation and reimporting it?
Thanks for the response - but it wasn’t that in this case. I created a new one from scratch and had the same issue so I figured it out - it was the “USE CONTROLLER ROTATION YAW”… option in the Character’s BP. needed to be Unchecked. (A bit confusing because that isn’t an option in the Movement Component - its under the PAWN options at the Root.
I figured it out - it was the “USE CONTROLLER ROTATION YAW”… option in the Character’s BP. needed to be Unchecked. (A bit confusing because that isn’t an option in the Movement Component - its under the PAWN options at the Root.
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