Chaos Vehicles Multiplayer Widget Error

I am rather new to unreal and am making multiple projects for fun, i have started a vehicle template which uses chaos vehicles plugin if im not mistaken.

Now im trying to make it multiplayer, and the game works fine at best currently however there is one issue arising “Only Local Player Controllers can be assigned to widgets”. This is using the base HUD given, and the problem lies when creating the vehicle ui widget inside the player controller when the owning player is set to self. I have found a fix to the error by connecting the owning player to get player controller but this creates the hud twice for the server host (im using the listen server net mode)

I would appreciate help since i havent found much information about this online, however nothing is broken i would still like to get rid of the error in case it does break something later on

Hey there @KXRules78! Welcome back to the community! Your workaround is actually fine, although to avoid double UI you should be able to check authority and only continue that branch if client and that should stop your server from calling it.