Chaos Vehicle Moving Forward but not Backward [SOLVED]

Hi all,
I have trouble getting my chaos vehicle to move backward.
I’m using the standard chaos vehicle provided with the advanced vehicle project in combination with a vehicle AI from the marketplace.
The forward movement works just fine however when I try to drive the vehicle to a point behind it, it gets in trouble.
The throttle is set to negative 1 and brakes to 0, yet there is no movement. Any Idea what I’m missing here?

In the image above the vehicle does not move.
Also, here is my torque curve:


Make sure that ‘use reverse as brake’ is ticked in the movement component. If that is on, check that the gear is getting changed correctly to be -1 for reverse gear


Thank you very much for your reply!
This particular flag is set. However, the gear is set to 0 not -1 upon a throttle of -1, how do I adjust the gear changes based on the throttle?

You have 2 options for reversing

  1. Set the ‘reverse as brake’ flag and when the vehicle is stationary applying the brake will go in reverse
  2. Don’t set the flag, change the gear to -1 and applying throttle will go in reverse

AFAIK applying negative throttle does not do anything for making the vehicle go in reverse


The main difference between the old and new version here seems to be that negative throttle will not make vehicle move backwards. “Set Break Input” needs to be used instead, the same as in Vehicle Example:


good job bro :slight_smile:

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