Solved it.
Add this to your vehicle’s begin play/construction script
I found this by digging through the source code, doesn’t seem like there’s documentation for this which sucks.
Basically, the chaos vehicles suspension system have a mechanism called anti-slide which stops the vehicle in its place when its on a very low speed and it’s below a certain angle.
Here’s how it works: “Slope threshold below which the anti-slide on slope mechanism is employed, value = Cos(SlopeAngle), i.e. for 50 degree slope = 0.6428, 30 degree slope = 0.866”
So basically setting this variable to 1 is equal to 0 degrees, meaning the vehicle never stops on slopes, of course you can set it as you like.
You might also find the following console variables useful:
p.Chaos.Suspension.SlopeSpeedThreshold - “Speed below which the anti-slide on slope mechanism is fully employed”
p.Chaos.Suspension.SlopeSpeedBlendThreshold - “Speed below which the anti-slide on slope blend mechanism starts”
So glad to be over this issue already