I am trying to make a car racing game and this is my first time making it, im actually new to unreal engine. I am working in unreal engine 5.1, i added my car mesh, and gave it a basic movment and camera code to make it drivable, while driving the suspension seems way too unrealistic…its bouncing off alot, like when i accelerate the front wheels are going in air…not that much in air but slightly…and also when turning, if i m turning left side the left front is being airborne and same with the right side too, and i wanna know which thing does what in both vehicle movement component and wheel blueprint, im trying to find a video of it but i am unable to…
Thanks for the help,
SOLVED: This got solved, i had to change some spring rate and turn on the Physics Async in project settings
I have been looking in to this myself, how is the developing going?
Ive paused it for now since theres alot for me to learn in unreal engine, will definitely pick this up after im good enough to code in the cpp.
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