Hi, did you guys see this in UE 5.4, Chaos Modular Vehicle?
Does anyone know how it works? I didn’t find anything in the documentation or release notes.
Same question
Even worse, if you open ‘Engine/Plugins/Chaos Modular Vehicle Content’ in UE5.4, it’s a blank empty folder!
It might not have assets in the content folder, but a bunch of C++ classes.
I had a look but without documentation it’s difficult to find out how to properly set it up.
One of the things I tried was to pass my skeletal mesh component to UClusterUnionComponent::AddComponentToCluster, but that didn’t do the trick.
Does anyone else had any luck with this plugin?
Available in UE 5.5
Chaos Modular Vehicles (Experimental) - Unreal Engine Public Roadmap | Product Roadmap (productboard.com)
Available but not working! At least in the examples.
Do you know where I can find the Chaos Module Vehicle examples?
Plugins menu.
It is there and the examples work in singleplayer, but the mentioned multiplayer aspect of it (client-predicted, server-authoritative physics with rewind resimulation) is not working as advertised.
Even when using their example, after a short time all clients start to go out of sync and snap sporadically to their actual positions governed by the server. This happens increasingly more often the more clients join. I did the test with 12 players, where one is the listen server, on a packaged build.
PS. I’ve enabled the network prediction and its requirements and also did another separate test with a packaged build that had Iris enabled.
I’m trying to get the examples to work in the editor.
The inputs works, but I can’t get the vehicles to move. Do I have to activate something in projects network settings or something?
Hi. How did you get them to move? Cars from the examples.
If you setup example content and it dont work in multiplayer go to Physics settings and turn on Tick Physics Async
got it working, doesn’t seem to like latency. anybody figured out how to fix the twitching wheels?
edit: for some reason on freshly created project the wheels in plugin examples are twitching but in ‘old’ one (upgraded to 5.5 from 5.3) they don’t
This Guy made a tutorial: https://youtu.be/ykVZ5Mt9r_k?si=oeYVfaiiaQ3mrYq3