Chaos missing some advanced PhysX Features

The documentation claims that Chaos is at feature parity with PhysX but this doesn’t seem the be the case. Here are a couple of features that we have made extensive use of:

  • ContactModifiers (FContactModifyCallback) - these allow you to modify the collision response between two specific rigid bodies, which gives maximum control versus physical materials and collision channels/responses. I haven’t yet found an equivalent in Chaos.

  • Backface Raycasts - Being able to query collision backfaces, and also multiple hits against the same mesh is crucial for things like bullet penetration systems etc. There doesn’t seem to be any equivalent of the raycast options exposed via physx::PxHitFlags in Chaos.

I’m sure this isn’t an exhaustive list, but IMO these features are essential. Can we expect these in a near timeline?


We tried porting our project to UE5.0.0 Early Access 2, and everything works except for one major feature that relies on Physics Constraints. Physics constraint components don’t work properly. After digging through the engine C++ I found a chaos function that is simply missing implementation:

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