[Chaos] Is there a better way to destroy buildings on the water?

I would like to use chaos to destroy a building over water. Is there a good tutorial on how to make the debris slow down as it falls into the water and how to make the debris splashing up as it hits the water?

So far I am using MasterField’s DirectionalVelocity instead of water resistance, but it just looks like debris is blowing up. I am looking for something like a resistance field.Thank you in advance for your help.

I considered making my own field for acceleration/deceleration from the MasterField BP, but it was a bit difficult for me… I thought I could access the individual debris velocities of the chaos and adjust velocity by multiplication, but it is not made that way, is it? Any advice in this direction would be welcome.

For debris to hit the surface of the water and make a splash., it seems to me that we need to detect some sort of overlap to some sort of trigger box, but chaos only seems to be able to detect Hit events. Am I missing something here as well? Does anyone have any opinions?


Have you try using the force option of the master field ?
You could also try having a vertical linear falloff where the force is null at the surface

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Thanks for the reply! I tried to find such a setting or function, but could not find it." I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about what you mean by “force option”?

I also tried this item that seems to control acceleration, but it didn’t work…


Yes I was specifically talking about this section that has an drop down menu where you can choose to use force instead of velocity :

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Thank you for your prompt reply, I added a field from GC to Initialization, changed Force/Velocity to Force and put extreme values such as 0 and 5000000 in Force Mult, but I did not see any change in the debris behavior. Is there any item I am missing to use this Velocity Controls setting? Sorry for repeating myself. Thank you in advance.

Have you looked at the Chaos Destruction map In the ContentExamples content?
This is using the Master fields in many different ways including keeping pieces floating in the air the same way you may simulate them floating in water

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If there was an initial velocity of some kind, would there be a field to counteract it…? I thought I had looked at all the samples, but maybe I didn’t check enough! I will check the samples again! Thanks for your patience in replying! Resolved!

Even with initial velocity their speed should eventually decrease if they don’t have any force but gravity and this gravity counter acting force applied to them
Do you have a video maybe to share about what you are seeing?

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