Chaos Geometry Collection not working randomly

Hi, I am trying to create destructible buildings, but the collision response of an unbroken mesh behaves incorrectly depending on something I can not figure out. In the video, there are two meshes built, exported, and setup in completely identical ways, only thing being different is one has a smaller hole.

Based on visual debugging, the right mesh is handled as a collection of smaller convex hitboxes instantly, while the left mesh starts out as a box and starts handling the same as the right only after at least one piece has broken off.

I am using 5.1 but found the same results in 5.0.3. How is it still so inconsistent after multiple years? The debugger also only shows a random select number of the pieces, is there a limit on it?

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Seeing the sadly large number of unanswered posts on these kind of topics, here is the answer to this after nearly a week of stress.

There were only 4 issues that broke the collision:

  1. Unreal doesn’t like Cinema 4D’s fbx export (normal smoothing warning), so I run it through Blender’s export set with face smoothing too
  2. “Complex as simple” collision can only be used on a mesh that you expect to stay in place (documented who knows where)
  3. You are expected to export your own collision using convex shapes with the “UCX_” prefix to trick Unreal into having pseudo concave collision on the simple collision channel
  4. You need to click “import collision from source” button in geometry collision settings which imports the simple collision which is just as complex now as the actual complex collision

The Destruction documentations skip these steps in their “best practices” sections.


was struggling with it , now it is solved , thx for the help :clap: :clap: :smiley: