I’m having some trouble with the remove on sleep and remove on break features. If remove on sleep is turned on, when an external strain field is applied the entire thing crumbles. If I uncheck this box it no longer does this and only the pieces inside the external strain field break off however, the broken pieces don’t get removed. As for the remove on break box, it doesn’t seem to have any effect whether it’s ticked on or left off. I assume I am doing something stupid so apologies in advance.
I figured it out!! you will need at least one Anchor Field to surround at least one piece of the destructible. and assign the field in the detail panel of the destructible GC.
In this case, it would work like expected.
just you may need to figure out a way to dealing with the cells been anchored.
ps. maybe this option is meant to be used on door/ brick wall or something that has at least some part anchored.