Chaos Fracture Delay on Impact

Hi all,

I’m currently struggling to get the Chaos Fracture working on impact (3rd person shooter)… Though, the moment my bullet impacts the wall, the particles spawn, but the wall fracture damage get’s applied only after 2 seconds…

How is this possible, I’ve been looking for answers the whole day, without result… Have no clue where I can further look into it… I’ve uploaded a small video to show clearly my issies…

If anyone can steer me in the right direction to fix this, will be appriciated :slight_smile:

Kindest regards,



Just in case someone else will find this question, here’s the solution:

The FS_MasterField from the Engine has a standard 1 second delay… Create a child class (or change the master), and change the variable “DelayAmount” to 0 (or whatever suits your project)

FS_MasterField location in the Engine folders:

DelayAmount variable:



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