Chaos Destruction prerequisites

I tried to use chaos mesh(cm) on an object, and it just disappears when I hit new for a geometry collection. Didn’t even get to select how to fracture the mesh.
In the videos, the mesh does not disappear.
And it still shows up when you go back to select mode.
My mesh doesn’t.

The geometry collection is created, but when I switch back to select mode the mesh is gone.

I’m using Unreal Engine 5.0.
I’m also using a C++ based project.

I’ve set my materials to support geometry collections.
I’ve also set the mesh to support nanite.

My questions are:
How do I stop my meshes from disappearing?
What are the attributes for a mesh that works with cm?

I have a bunch of enemies, and I want them to use the chaos mesh.
Is there a way to set the object type to use the chaos mesh so I don’t have to convert them one by one? Maybe a chaos mesh component?

Thanks in advance.