Hi everyone,
I stumbled into problems running the Chaos Destruction Demo in Unreal Engine 5 Early Access. To be fair, in the Learn-Tab it only displays UE 4.23 to 4.26 to be compatible with it. However, I managed to get it working under UE5 and wanted to share my little journey in case anyone else stumbles into the same problems.
In case I missed something (maybe there even is a dedicated UE5 version of the demo?), please feel free to link me to that!
Tutorial on how to load and run the Chaos Destruction Demo in UE5 EA:
- In the launcher, switch to the Learn-Tab and download the Chaos Destruction Demo
- A new project with the same name should be created. Right click and click on “Go to Folder”
- In the explorer, right-click on the .uproject file and open with notepad (or similar) and delete the “MeshEditor”-plugin entry.
- Then, right-click on the .uproject file and click on “Switch engine version”
- Chose UE5EA. This will end up with an error, which you simply dismiss.
- Right-click the .uproject file again and click on “Create visual studio files”. This will also end up with an error which you also dismiss.
- Then go into the Source folder and open both .cs files.
- Here you need to delete or comment out the PhysX, APEX, Cloth, QueryStructure and BuildEnviroment variables. It should look like this:
// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class ChaosDestructionDemoEditorTarget : TargetRules
public ChaosDestructionDemoEditorTarget(TargetInfo Target) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Editor;
ExtraModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "ChaosDestructionDemo" } );
bCompileChaos = true;
bUseChaos = true;
//bCompilePhysX = true;
//bCompileAPEX = true;
//bCompileNvCloth = true;
//bCustomSceneQueryStructure = true;
//BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;
- Open the project in Visual Studio (or Rider for Unreal) and recompile.
- Once that is done, open the .uproject file and it should work.
Hope this helps anyone.