Chaos Destruction (Debris falling through destructible mesh)

Hello everyone, i want the debris to have collision with destructible meshes, collisions seems to be correct in the interface and i also put the collision group to 0 and 1 but nothing is working.

The debris always fall through the destructible meshes whatever i do, is it possible to do anything about it ?

Here is a little video to show what’s going on:

(The white box is a static mesh and collisions are working correctly with it)


Hi there @Tytryte. Happy holidays! :christmas_tree:

This topic has been moved from International to World Creation.

When posting, please review the categories to ensure your topic is posted in the most relevant space. Hopefully, this new category helps you to get an answer.

In the meantime, good luck and happy developing! :slight_smile:

If you would prefer a different category, feel free to @ me and I’ll move it for you.

–Panda :panda_face:

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