Chaos clothing glitches when using leader pose

I’m doing some tests with characters + chaos cloth + chaos vehicles. I’m using Unreal 5.1 It looks like the cloth simulation is being reset constantly when used on a skeletal mesh that has a leader pose set. This only happens when the character actor is attached to the vehicle actor.

To easily compare different solutions I made a test character using the default UE5 Manny character that I’ve added a cape with cloth asset onto. The cloth configuration does not have a physics asset and all values use the defaults. See the video below of what I mean.

Cloth on skeletal mesh with leader pose (5.9 MB)
Here the left character is a skeletal mesh that has an animation blueprint assigned. The right mesh is a child component of the left one and follows the pose from the left using the SetLeaderPoseComponent function. As soon as the vehicle starts moving there’s a lot of weird shaking going on.

I don’t think it’s related to movement wind since it’s much better when the cloth is on the mesh with an animation blueprint (even though there’s also some glitching):
Cloth on skeletal mesh with animation blueprint (4.7 MB)
Oddly when I use the same cloth mesh for both the left and right meshes they show the same behavior as the left one in the second video.

What causes the difference in behaviors for the different meshes? How can I fix the random jumping of the cloth?