Chaos Cloth visualization doing blocking loads that cause async flush when starting our PIE sessions on UE5.3

Hi, we are trying to make our PIE startup as quick as we can because it’s slow and we are seeing these objects interrupt our async loads shortly after starting PIE which causes an async flush and several seconds stall:

FClothVisualization::FClothVisualization(const ::Chaos::FClothingSimulationSolver* InSolver)
	: Solver(InSolver)

FCookLoadScope CookLoadScope(ECookLoadType::EditorOnly);
ClothMaterial = LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Engine/EditorMaterials/Cloth/CameraLitDoubleSided.CameraLitDoubleSided”), nullptr, LOAD_None, nullptr); // LOAD_EditorOnly
ClothMaterialColor = LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Engine/EditorMaterials/Cloth/CameraLitVertexColor.CameraLitVertexColor”), nullptr, LOAD_None, nullptr); // LOAD_EditorOnly
ClothMaterialVertex = LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Engine/EditorMaterials/WidgetVertexColorMaterial”), nullptr, LOAD_None, nullptr); // LOAD_EditorOnly
CollisionMaterial = LoadObject(nullptr, TEXT(“/Engine/EditorMaterials/PhAT_UnselectedMaterial”), nullptr, LOAD_None, nullptr);
#endif // #if WITH_EDITOR

Is this something that could either be toggled, or made async so it doesn’t interrupt our game asset loads?
