Chaos Cloth Simulation - Collision Based Actor

Hello All,

I am fairly new to Unreal Engine, however I have spent an unhealthy amount of time learning the ‘how to’s’, for basically everything this calendar year (abstaining from drinking by learning to make games, fair trade). I am a ‘hack’-of-all-trades and master of none of them. I have a physics based project I am working on and am hoping someone may be able to answer this one for me.

Is there a way to connect TWO (2) planes of chaos cloth that are joined at the seams to create a “bag” structure that I could use to fill with other pawns or actors can go inside? See the attached .png for a visual reference of what I am trying to explain.

As it stands - I have a Physics Material for the bag itself and the other actors and they act the way it should, however I would like to incorporate the ability to have the ‘bag’ collide with player actors, while having the physics objects react to the collision and is able to move/stretch the fabric accordingly. I currently have a deflated-stale pillow as a pawn and would love to know how to get this to work without burning any more hours searching aimlessly for the answers.

Please feel free to ask me for details of what I am trying to explain if it is unclear. I have scoured the internet on this one to no avail - I need someone with some ‘Chaos Cohones’, thanks!

Interesting idea. You won’t be able to join the two cloth meshes, unless they are joined on animated (kinematic) vertices. The joining could be animated too. You will need to skin the cloth mesh and have it animated to match the desired position, then use a Maxdistance or an AnimDrive painted mask to define the points to follow the motion.
To use cloth collision on the other actor, you have to enable collision with the environment at the Skeletal Mesh component level. See Cloth Collision with World | Tutorial

Thank you for the response - unfortunately I put this idea on hold for now to carry on with my project, otherwise I would comment something useful or provide feedback to your response. I am going to mark this as solved but reference back to it in the future. Cheers!

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