Just made the jump from 4.27 to 5.1, and one thing I’m noticing with the switch from the NV cloth solver to Chaos is that I get some weird issues with self-intersecting cloth; a lot of jitter and exploding.
What I think is happening here is that in the NV Cloth solver, there was a parameter exposed that allowed you to set a minimum threshhold for self-collisions. So that if one cloth point was within a radius of 1 (say) on the base mesh, it would not trigger self-collision. This was helpful when you were doing “branched cloth” (frayed ropes, things like that) because it allowed you to tether a series of cloth strands to a single simulating point, and their tips could collide correctly with each other but the “knot” where they came together would not be a forcibly-overlapped exploding mesh of collision spheres.
I don’t know how different Chaos is on the back-end to the NV cloth solver, but is there a solution here for getting multiple simulated cloth strands attached to a “parent” simulated cloth strand, WITH self-collision on the ends but WITHOUT self-collision at the place they come together?