Chaos caching broken in update 5.1

I was just working with Chaos caching in 5.0.3 and it was working fine. After updating the engine to 5.1 I start having weird behaviors with the caching plugin.

-It doesn’t start unless you shoot a master field at it. This Shouldn’t be the case when it’s set to “play”.

-Once it starts it is very glitchy

-doesnt animate/does it in parts instead of a fluid animation.

I know it’s still experimental and stuff like this is to be expected but i’m kinda dependant on it to better my games performance when using Chaos destruction. And i don’t know of a better way to optimize the chaos destruction other than caching it.


A related issue has been recently fixed
It will be available in the next patch or if you are compiling from source and have access to Unreal github you could still grab the fix from there ( It’s a quite simple one )


Did the mentioned patch solve your problem?

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Yes it did.

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Glad to hear it :slight_smile:
I’m about to work with Chaos, wish me luck :smiley:

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Hi there,
The link is dead to the hotfix and I am still seeing the same behaviour as mentioned.
I can successfully simulate the chaos system, and can record it to the cache, however when I play it back it doesn’t fracture properly and does other weird stuff like passing through the surface it was colliding with. Am I missing something or is this still a bug? In version 5.1.0-23058290+++UE5+Release-5.1

It’s fixed in the new update, 5.1.1. The link still works but i believe you need to first register your github account to your epic games account to view the content.

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Great, thanks for the update.