Hi Everyone,
For a few days I’ve been trying to solve this issue - working in UE 5.1 Windows.
I’m trying to do the simplest destroy upon hit interaction with a geometry collection using spawned Chaos Master Field and a Fractured wall.
When I use the Hit Event WITHOUT the anchor field - the HIT is registered - and I receive debug confirmation.
As soon as I assign the anchor field to my geometry collection - I don’t get any hits registered anymore and the whole geometry collection becomes virtually a static mesh.
Changing Damage threshold has no effect - my collider simply goes through the geometry collection…
How can I sucesfully SPAWN THE MASTER FIELD and STILL USE THE ANCHOR FIELD? I am following the numerous tutorias using the projectile example but it never works…
this is my projectile blueprint:
One thing to note is that the geo collection and the projectile is on a sublevel - not on the main persisten level - not sure if it has any importance…