Dear All,
Please help me about his issue, if i try to build just a light, the swarm can’t connect to the server.
Here is the log:
23:08:35: [ERROR] Channel already registered, suggesting another SwarmAgent or client is running.
23:08:35: [ERROR] If you feel this is in error, check your running process list for additional copies of
23:08:35: [ERROR] SwarmAgent or UnrealLightmass (or other client) and consider killing them.
23:08:35: [ERROR] Sleeping for a few seconds and trying again…
23:08:38: [ERROR] Channel already registered, suggesting another SwarmAgent or client is running.
23:08:38: [ERROR] If you feel this is in error, check your running process list for additional copies of
23:08:38: [ERROR] SwarmAgent or UnrealLightmass (or other client) and consider killing them.
23:08:38: [ERROR] Sleeping for a few seconds and trying
I’m sure that doesn’t run twice. I reinstalled the windows because this issue, but the 7th build is not work…
My PC name is containing just alphabet.
Please help me what can i do…
Thanks in advance!!