Changing Variables between actors

Hello UE4 Community

I have a button blueprint that I want to use to change the text being displayed buy another blueprint.

So i have multiple actors of the blueprint “Button” each time the button is pressed it Moves the camera actor to a new part of the level and displays a message. each message will be different. I have tried casting, creating a variable reference to the “text” blueprint, tried using functions. I think I am missing something very simple but can not find out what.
I know i can do it simply by adding the text render and variables in the button blueprint but i want to be able to change the text by other means besides the button.

Post up some shots of your blueprints please.

You should just be able to find the actor that you want and cast to that and set its text render-text component

Maybe I am just doing the casting wrong ill fiddle around with it some more today. weather i figure it out or not ill post some screenshots.

Cant figure it out Here is a screenshot of where I am at with this problem.

I don’t know what to put as the object on the casting I think I have tried everything but the right one, Just don’t understand it I guess.
In the 2nd group i was trying to do the same thing without casting.

A cast is pretty much a way to convert a vague data type (actor, object, widget, etc.) into a more specific data type (MenuButton, ZombieAI) which allows you to access variables specific to that data type/class. To cast, you need a reference to that object, such as casting to the enemy when a bullet collides with them, using ‘Hit Actor’ as the object.

Ok so i am using it wrong. Thanks for the explanation on that it will be very handy in the future. Ill try to reword and better explain what I am trying to do.
i have multiple instances of the Blueprint “BP_MenuButton0_0” that has a variable “MoverText0Name” that holds a text/String. “BP_GameMenuTextRender_0” is a blueprint that will display a text render component. When i mouse click i want the text displayed from the “BP_GameMenuTextRender_0” to change to the variable “MoverText0Name” in the “BP_MenuButton0_0” instance. I have the “Event On Click” inside the “BP_MenuButton0_0”.

Drag out the Object reference and type in Get Player Character. This should work for you hopefully

Setting the variable also won’t change the text displayed by the text render actor. You will need to set that to. It would probably be best to set up a function that you can call on the text actor that takes care of all this.

Solved, I just did not understand how casting was done.