I am trying to control my actor’s properties with a blueprint. But I am struggling to know how to access them
I have a USD Stage, which has a skelmesh, materials and animation.
This is loaded into the USD Stage Editor. I can see my agent in the scene and he has the correct animation file assigned This is a stripped down usd stage, the original contains hundreds of agents, each with their own animations.
So I want to be able to set their animations to ‘play’ and ‘looping’ when I start the scene.:
I have created the following blueprint, and if I list all the actors in the scene I can see my Agent1 appear in the list:
Now I want to be able to control the SkelMeshComponent to set the playing and looping attributes. If I further query in he blueprint, I can return the skeletal mesh component:
But how do I set the value to ‘play’ and ‘looping’ automatically? Eventually putting it into a loop to change all the agents in the scene.
Obviously I can do it manually with a single agent but not with hundreds or thousands.