Changing (transforming) bones in Skeletal Mesh won't save


I’m trying to adjust the rotation of the Spine_01 bone for a certain Skeletal Mesh so it maintains that rotation regardless of what animation plays, however these changes won’t be saved. If I make adjustments it doesn’t show the asteriks to save the file.

For the first time I tried asking ChatGPT and it’s convinced it can be done if I have the right write priviliges, but that didn’t really help so I’m skeptical if that’s really it.

Is this possible in UE5 or should I adjust this in Blender?

Same issue here, UE5. I tried to change the proportions of a 3D asset I purchased but despite the straight forward skeletal mesh editing capabilities in Unreal and the Save that is active and seems as if it is saving. It is not saved.

Strange, why we have the tools to edit and it works and the Save is available but when we close the Skeletal Mesh and open again, it reverts to original.