Changing the streaming method for a level

I am trying to use level streaming to be able to switch levels without suspending the game. (If this isn’t the best way to achieve this, could you point me towards a simpler/more appropriate approach - I am not making a large open world, just don’t want the game to stop when we change levels).

At the moment, I have by persistent level set up and couple of other levels set up in the same folder with the aim being I can load/unload these on demand. However, they currently all load at once at the start.

This answer suggests that I need to change the streaming method to load from Blueprint rather than automatically load. This wiki tutorial shows this being done when creating a new level via the context menu in the Levels window.

However, in my Levels window the context menu has no such options. Where can I change the streaming mode in Unreal 4.7 (or else how do I achieve loading levels one at a time).


I have been trying to get the following code to work:

ULevelStreaming* StreamingLevel = FLevelUtils::FindStreamingLevel(Level);
if (StreamingLevel)
	EditorLevelUtils::SetStreamingClassForLevel(StreamingLevel, ULevelStreamingKismet::StaticClass());

By executing it on an instance of the level in the editor and then saving it out. This code seems to be what is linked to SetStreamingMethod_Blueprint in LevelCollectionViewCommands.h:

UI_COMMAND( SetStreamingMethod_Blueprint, "Change Blueprint Streaming Method", "Changes the streaming method for the selected levels to Blueprint streaming", EUserInterfaceActionType::Check, FInputGesture() );


You should be able to change streaming method in Levels tool.
Like here

In case you have world composition enabled you should turn it off. In world composition you can not change streaming method, as it always uses distance streaming.

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There is no “Change Streaming Method” option in 4.10.1. Has it been moved somewhere?

[Edit: Picture]

Ok, I think I figured this out. You have to turn world composition off, then add sub-levels manually by dragging them from the content browser into the levels window. You can then right-click on a sub-level and change its streaming type to “Blueprint.” From there, use a Load Stream Level node in blueprint to load the sub-level.

Thank you so much!!!