I’m in need of some help when it comes to changing the size of the player camera, so that the player feels smaller in and environment. This environment will consist of several different pawns of different sizes, varying from a couple inches to a normal sized human. Because of this I cannot size the environment up, or I would need 4 or 5 different environments. So I am stuck trying to find a way to scale the player camera. This game is also in VR.
I have tried a couple different techniques, including changing the camera field of view. This seemed to work, but unfortunately the player FOV is locked in VR.
Does anyone know how to go about scaling the camera so the player feels small? Or does anyone know how to unlock the player FOV on vr hmd’s?
Well…you could move the camera down, if first person…or move the camera closer (or farther) to the mesh if third person. Another method is a top down, so the top of each object projects down. Some ideas but you can’t actually scale it. Sorry… Oh and for VR I have no clue.
Just as an answers for anyone stumbling on this question, the newest version of Unreal ATM (and I’m assuming from here on out) seems to allow for a change in VR pawn size using the World To Meters setting in the editor. The base seems to be 100, and it can be scaled up from there. I have experimented with dropping below 100, and I have experienced several issues with smaller objects clipping in and out of view depending on the angle of the camera.
But VR pawn scale seems to be fixed, just stick above 100 and it should be fine