Changing texture groups settings .ini documentation out of date for v5?

I’m trying edit the settings of the “World” texture group for a specific project. Specifically the LOD Bias default value. It seems like I’m either supposed to create the file manually or that something has changed since the documentation was written - either way I’m not too sure how to proceed.

I’m looking at this documentation:

under the heading “Engine Config TextureGroup Properties”:

  • my project file does not have " [your_game]\Config\DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini"

-I found the settings in the BaseDeviceProfiles.ini in the engines install path:
[GlobalDefaults DeviceProfile]

I’m only working on one project so I’m not worried about changing global settings, but I do want to make sure that the change would be baked into the actual game and not just applied when I run it from within the editor?

Thanks in advance for any insight or instruction


I am also looking for an answer to this. So far I have found zero up-to-date information.

My project does not have a DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini, the Engine.ini does not have any reference to Texture Groups, and to top it off, even changing a texture’s Texture Group in the engine itself seems to have no effect. Very frustrating.

I, too, would like to change the LOD bias of the “world” texture group (use case: making a smaller-sized build with lower-res textures, but also keeping the possibility of making a full-res build in the future).

I never moved forward with this for my project so I still don’t know of an answer. Of course it is possible to configure your mip bias and other settings for individual texture assets. Of course raising the mip bias isn’t going to reduce the size of your project. For that maybe consider exporting your textures in the resolution you want for now, and include those gimp or Photoshop files in your backup catalogs in case you want to increase the resolution down the road. Might not be a huge a difference after compression though. Something my project does a lot is recycling textures. For example my npcs have their own face textures which are 1024x but they all share a grid template of skin tones and textiles, which is a single 4k image. That limited set of textures is manually configured to not use mipmaps at all, on their individual asset files.