Changing spot light color

I want to change the spot light color after the player collides with a triggerbox, but the light color isn’t changing. Btw, the spot light is attach to the player.

In PlayerBP:

In WorldBP:

Hey Zego-Fr34ks,

Is your light set to Movable?

where can i find this?


In world BP, try to use the “HeadLightXXX event” function (no envelope in the node) and not “Call HeadLightXXX” (which has that little envelope in the node).

Are you sure the event is being called? It looks like you’re sending a message that has a different name. Did you set up an implementation for the message?

Also, Rene Zwaan is talking about this setting here. It should default to movable so unless you changed it, it should be movable already.

Okey thanks for letting me know!
Sorry didn’t ignore you on purpose

You mean like that?

Anyways it worked, thanks :slight_smile:

Thank you all for responding, i’ve found it out!

Once again, since you chose to ignore what I wrote in your previous question: for your purpose you don’t need events created in the Event Dispatcher. Just right click anywhere in the graph and type “custom” and find “Add Custom Event”. Events from the Event Dispatcher get you all confused about how to invoke them. With a Custom Event, you’ll only have one option and it’ll work.