Changing source of player gravity

Hello there!

I am currently working on a first person adventure game in Unreal 4 and at some point I need to change the source of the player gravity to an sphere floating above the main map.

The player will solve a puzzle, or press a button, at which point gravity will shift and they will become attracted to the sphere above them. Then the player would be able to walk around the sphere, similar to something like Super Mario Galaxy.

I’ve included a diagram of what I would like to occur:

I was able to change the player gravity slightly by using this script

Where Force is an adjustment to the Z axis.
However, doing this only repels my Player actor from the floor while also freezing up any movement input.

Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Somebody on the forums here has created a modified engine version which can do this, I can’t remember who it was but if you do a search in the learn tab or on google you will be able to find it somewhere. Just requires a little bit of C++ to get it setup correctly.

Its a plugin and its pretty cool

Someone finally pulled it off! Very nice.

WarpSpasm, you just made my day, thank you!