Hi everyone, Im trying to figure out how to change the SkeletalMesh and AnimIntance of my main character with blueprints because im handling my project just with blueprints. I’ve seen a couple of posts related but all of them dealing code or are not well answered. Im gonna attach what im tryint for now, basicly im just changing the SkeletalMesh and AnimInstance getting random one of an array. Im trying to call the function on the character constructor or at the begin play event. The results are discouraging, all characters appear with the default pose that results when the character is not getting animations correctly.
Uhm it works like expected. In my Case I added FPS / TPS with their respective Anim Instance Class (Nothing assigned by default). Works in Construction script and Begin Play (Dont mind the 90 rotation thats the Model itself rotated incorectly by default)
Did you by any Chance missmatch a Mesh with a Incompatible Anim Instance (FPS Mesh with TPS AnimBP as Example)? What does your Output log say? Should be planty of Warnings in there if you mess something up.