Hey, i’m currently using the paragon twin blast character and now want to change to a character of my own that i bought on the unreal market. Cyborg 01 in Characters - UE Marketplace . How hard would this be and would it even be possible? Can i use the paragon Skeleton on my new character? What would be the best way to go about this?
This should be fairly easy as both models are rigged to the Epic Skeleton. I am going to assum that you just want to change the character model (the skeletal mesh associated with whatever character you are using. The steps would be:
- Import the new asset into your project.
- Select the new skeletal mesh (cyborg) and change the skeleton to the skeleton you have been using for Twin Blast by right clicking on the target skeletal mesh in the content browser and going to Skeleton > Assign Skeleton and selecting your Twin Blast Skeleton.
- Go into you’re character BP and change the mesh asset to use the cyborg skeletal mesh. Assuming all your animations have been set up to use the twin blast skeleton, you should be good to go here.
Thank you for the quick answer. I really appreciate it!