Changing Scenes & keeping the same Gamemode ID

Hi There,

I’m getting an fatal error when switching from different scenes and loading a saved game.
Here is what I’m trying to achieve:

My game starts with the menu level, here you are able to select a world and this opens a new level with an overriding game mode (named: “RTS_Gamemode”), I then can play my game and save it using a plug-in called Save Extension. This stores the world actors and saves it into a save file.
When I’m going back to the menu, and load the level again, then trying to open my saved game, it gives me a fatal error.

The stange thing is that this only happens after packing my game and play it. When I’m playing it in the editor and saving+loading it, it works all fine.
Now I started to debug it too see what could cause this problem. I think this has to do with the gamemode that is changing when I’m loading a scene the second time.

Here I showed the gamemode path when loading the scene for the first time after opening my game/program:

As you can see the number is 2147482452 (ID). Everytime when start my game and load this scene for the first time, it gives me this ID number.

Now when I go back to the menu and open the same world again, it gives me another ID number:

When I then try to open the level I had saved before, it gives me a fatal error with

When I’m quitting my game and reopen it, load the same scene for the first time after opening my game, it gives me the same ID number as it was saved in. Now loading the saved game works fine as this is also the same ID number when I saved it.
So it looks like the problem is when I open a scene for the second time as it gives me another Gamemode ID. And when I then want to load the scene I get an error.

Is there a way to keep the same gamemode ID after switching levels?
I do now use any kind of stream level but only use the ‘open level’ blueprint to switch scenes.