We have an options screen with a reolsution drop down - pretty standard. We save it and at startup we load the value and set it using the console as in this example https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/30460/how-can-i-change-games-resolution-in-blueprints-1.html
Problem is it doesn’t work unless we change the console resolution to something else first.
This is the cycle.
- Options Screen → SetRes 640x480w
- Quit game
- Restart game
- Game window defaults to 1280x720 Options are loaded and a call is made to SetRes 640x480w - nothing happens
If we delay the load/set step and use the console to display the SetRes it claims incorrectly its still at 640x480w - even though the window is clearly at 1280x720.
Any ideas?
BTW - why is having an options screen and setting a resolution, something that is in almost every game such a huge operation to get right?