Hi MedalOfMode,
Are you toggling physics in a blueprint as well or are you talking about just checking the box in the details panel?
And could you also post a screenshot of your blueprint setup?
Hi MedalOfMode,
Are you toggling physics in a blueprint as well or are you talking about just checking the box in the details panel?
And could you also post a screenshot of your blueprint setup?
When I activate physics simulation on a component and deactivate it, I can’t change the relative position of the component using a blueprint no more. Tried many ways, not works. What can I do?
Hello dear TJ Ballard,
When I start the game, the physics are turned off on my component inside of script. Then I activate the physics when we click the component but I want to put the component to it’s original position again when it collides with a specific object. At first, I thought my problem was other but while checking one-by-one I found out that after changing the activation of the physics twice, when I change the relative position, component flies away. Can’t find it anymore.
(This part of blueprint was made for correcting problem is changing the position, not a collision problem)
Are you sure the problem is with simulating physics? Try this: get rid of the set location nodes, play the game and see if physics still simulate after it is disabled. And tell us more about what you are trying to achieve if you can, maybe we can find another way to get it working.
This will happen later, the thing I’m trying to do is when it collides with table or plate, it will go to the origin point and my script will work again to randomize the component again.
You dont need physics for this then. Just setting the location on touch will do. With your current solution physics has no affect anyway - you are enabling and then disabling it almost at the same time.
Then you need to enable physics with another event > disable on collision > set location.
Problem is with setting location after turning off the simulation. If I delete the nodes, component stays at the location that happened after simulation.
What I try to do is, when we touch the component it will fall down and if it collides with table mesh, it will decrease score but if collides with plate, it will increase score. This will happen later, the thing I’m trying to do is when it collides with table or plate, it will go to the origin point and my script will work again to randomize the component again.
I have 5 children in a parent obj. but when I activate the physics the activated one disparents
But the component has to fall.
Actually, when component falls and collides, it will stop physics so it will go to the origins. Recycling
When I do it, the same thing happens. I have the whole collision blueprint which disable and add or subtract score but to show you the problem I have simplified it down to this.
Okay, the solution is using “Attach To” after disabling collision.