Changing Pawn Class locks up level UE 4.27

The solution to this is probably really simple, but I’m not sure what I’m missing.

I have a Film Template project I’m working in, but I’d like to be able to occasionally override the player mode from the free-flying camera to a walking-around character (so I can get a feel for how the sets actually feel to “live” in).

I’ve added a Game Mode Base blueprint to the level, and when I go into World Settings, I can select it, then I can select a different Pawn Class, but everything except SpectatorPawn is blue (tried to google what that means…useless because google thinks I’m asking about Blueprints). If I select anything other than SpectatorPawn, when I play the level the camera is frozen. And I can’t walk anywhere. I even kept the Output Log open to see if I’d get any error messages, but I don’t get anything new.

If I try and add an NPC into the level and set the default possess to the player, it does the same thing.

How do I get this to work?

Hi there,
You can add a first-person template and use the game mode from this package.


Ah, perfect! I knew it was something simple.

Thank you!!!