Changing orientation of bone witout changing the mesh itself

Hi, I have a skeletal mesh that you can see its picture below.

As you see in the image above the joint with name Bike_Joint_8 has the orientation that is not what I want.

What I want is to being able to change this orientation but without rotating the mesh(wheel) it self.
In unreal I expect the orientation of the transform to be like below but without chaning the wheel it self.

I searched a lot but I can’t find a solution to have the transform like the picture above while the wheel mesh it self being at right orientation like the first bicture in this question.

Could you tell me if there is a way?
I appreciate you help,

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You’ll have to do this in your DCC tool. Typically, you’ll go into “edit bind pose” mode in your hiararchy/rig setup, and change the orientation of the bone there.

HOWEVER, absolute bone orientation kind-of doesn’t matter. It’s only really relative bone orientation that matters – you can think of all bones as being in “identity pose” when the object is in bind pose. Animations can then be thought of as the delta between the bind pose, and the animated pose.

Also, the bone widget drawn in most DCC tools isn’t really an orientation, so much as it represents the translation of the next bone from the previous bone, assuming the previous bone is in bind or identity pose.

Ok,Sorry :slight_smile: