Changing metahuman components in real time

Hi to everyone,

i have 2 BP, a character called BP_AI_NPC and the other one is BP_Vivian

What i need to do is setting the Vivian Body, feet, torso ecc inside my Character BP_AI_NPC and make them show visually during runtime.

The structure of my BP_AI_NPC is:

So it is a Character with a manny inside + metahuman characteristics, i did it like that because i needed to move the metahuman using manny as a base.

The other BP_Vivian is this:

That is a normal Metahuman i created using the Metahuman editor.

For doing this i created this method:

So i set the components of Vivian inside my Character.

It actually set them correctly BUT it doesn’t change the character visually.

When i debug i see that the components of Vivian are setted inside my Character:

But nothing change visually:

I don’t understand how this can happen… Someone has any idea?
