how would i go about implenting that i have 3 lanes in the endless runner and everything spawns on thoes lanes like coins and pickups.
how would i go about implenting that i have 3 lanes in the endless runner and everything spawns on thoes lanes like coins and pickups.
I know you may not really think your question was vague, but, I mean, I still don’t know where to start with answering this.
Do you have anything implemented at all that we can see? Have you attempted to do it and run into problems?
Do you want some random step by step solution that may not be applicable to your project?
I mean, my answer: Mark Lane 1 with something, tag or some variable, same with the other lanes. Default at Lane 2, the middle. If player hits left arrow, get current lane and subtract that to new lane, clamping it to 1(min)-3(max). If player hits right, get current lane and add one clamping that to 1-3. Player Teleports to the new lane.