Is it a good idea to scale landscape in UE4 or will it mess up physics, collison and other important stuff?
We had some issues (flickering of landscape tiles) when we scaled landscapes in UDK, so Im a bit curious about this as well. Will the landscape keep it
s LOD-settings? Will the collision work as it should? Will it mess up everything if I already painted some foliage actors on the landscape or will they be scaled with the landscape? etc. etc.
Look forward to hearing from the UE4-gurus out there!
Scale seems to be iffy. Rotating it, however causes awful Lightmass artifacts and black splotches. I’d advise heavily against rotation. For me, that is. Others have claimed no issues whatsoever - which is odd.
Hi Snurrebassen,
When it comes to landscapes it’s best practice to set up your size from start and leave it. Scaling and rotating can sometime have odd effects. (Ex. Texture stretching, LOD issues, etc.) Not to mention if you place any foliage it doesn’t scale correctly with the landscape. If you set the landscape up correctly from the beginning there isn’t really a need to scale it.
If you have anymore questions just let us know.
Thanks, TJ
Thx for the answer:) I’ll stay away from scaling the landscape then! How about the grid resolution?( Not sure if grid resolution is the correct word) because when I paint a material on the landscape, you can easily see the squares of the landscape, if that makes any sense. Anyway to change this ?
Take a look at this documentation, it does a great job at explaining how to set up your landscape and adjust the resolution. You may just need to up it a bit to get the effect you want. Take a look at the bottom of the doc for suggested sizes.
Hope it helps, TJ
Glad there’s an official response. I guess the best way to change the overall size would be to set the appropriate component / quad size etc to fit the size you want instead of scale values.
What about just scaling it up right at the start? does that hurt anything? i know my sculpting resolution wont be as tight but that’s honestly fine