Changing Landscape Dynamic Material Instance properties isn't working on Quest/Android build - what am I doing wrong?

I’ve followed the instructions from @NinjaCatFail

And in 5.2.1 it works great when running in editor and VR preview, but it doesn’t work when building to android/Quest 3. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Dynamic Material Instance is set true on the Landscape.

Is there a workaround anyone could suggest?

A Caveat: I have never used the Quest 3 with Unreal, but I have shipped VR games in another engine in the past.

Are you sure you can use dynamic materials in other ways on that device? I don’t see anything in the code that should prevent dynamic material updates for Landscapes since the landscape functions are just pass-throughs to UMaterialInstance (which all materials run through.)

Have you attempted to run a PC build as well? When I do mobile development, I always have a PC build version I can run with a faster turnaround for issues that might creep up when packaging a build. This was especially the case when I was doing Rift and the original Quest.

That’s all I can suggest without knowing more.