Changing in game resolution not working outside of editor

I can’t seem to get anything related to changing resolution to work once the game is packaged (or with the in editor play as standalone game option for that matter) and need help.

I have a simple menu set up that lets the player select resolution & fullscreen settings that works in the editor PIE windows, but once I package the game for windows, it no longer works.

I have tried the Execute Console Command node, which works in PIE but does not do anything in a packaged game or the play as standalone. Interestingly enough I can run the same line of code for example r.SetRes 1280x720w and it will work, but the same line from the Execute Console Command blueprint node does not.
I have also tried the Get Game User Settings node into the Set Screen Resolution node and finally the Apply Resolution Settings node, and while those also work in PIE, they do not work in a packaged game or the play as standalone option.

Is there some best practice I’m missing here? Everything I’m finding online says “oh its simple just do this” and then its one of those two things, neither of which work.

I figured out what was wrong with this!

In my code I was getting the resolution & fullscreen variables by checking the Text in the widgets I was using against a text array of options, and since Text has more encoding than just the text itself, using Find on an array of it would always return -1 outside of the editor. this answer helped me with this.

Turned all my text into strings and it all works now!

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