Changing component visibility for players in local splitscreen play

Hi there! I am making a 3D multiplayer game where there is a navigation arrow involved for each player individually. Since this can be played online or locally, I’m looking for a way to turn off visibility fior all nav arrows that don’t belong to a player locally (this is easier to do online by just creating the nav arrow and not replicating to other clients).

I was originally trying to create this on the HUD and then realized it might be easier to have a 3D mesh revolve around the player based on where they should be navigating to. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a solution to add the mesh and make it visible for only a single player locally since setting visibility on the same client will affect all players (SetHiddenInGame).

I’ve also looked into Only Owner See but the actors I use have different owners than their components (with child actors and by generating new actors and using Attach Actor to Actor) and I am not able to set ownership at the component level, or at least I have not been able to find any option to. I’m looking for a better way to only show a single nav arrow per player and open to any + all suggestions. Please let me know what you think!

Open to C++ if absolutely necessary but I have been working solely in Blueprints for this entire project and would prefer to keep it that way for consistency.