Is there any way you can colorize individual letters in a string in UMG? And if not; do you have any possible solutions for it?
Is there any way you can colorize individual letters in a string in UMG? And if not; do you have any possible solutions for it?
Found anything on this?
Well I ended up putting segmented words into seperate textboxes and then placed them in a WrapBox, which creates the illusion of a seamless text but makes it possible to change individual words colors and sizes. Not ideal, but it’s a good enough workaround for us at the moment.
Is there any update on this? I think it’s a must-have for UMG…
There is an option, but not very pretty.
I got the RichTextBlock, RichTextBlockDecorator, and FDefaultRichTextDecorator from the UE code.
Don’t know if they are available yet, but they work.
Then the text would look like
<span color="#FF9800">ColoredText</>NormalText<span color="#FF9800">ColoredText</>
Hello Omberone,
If you look under that styling options for text you will see that you can add materials to the text blocks. I hope that this information helps.
Make it a great day