Changing button style does not change pressed sound


I have two umg buttons with two button styles as variables, when i click one button I swap styles to give effect of selected tabs, I wanted it so highlighted tab had a negative noise letting a user know it was already selected.

Changing style (with designated sound cues for click) failed to change audio so this is impossible atm

A mild annoyance, just thought I’d mention it

Hey ,

Thanks for report! We’ve assigned someone to look into this issue, and they’ll post here if they have any questions for you.

Hello ,

I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report ( UE-18801) and I have submitted it to developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. I have also included a workaround that may be viable depending on your needs. Thank you for your information and time.


You could use Play sound 2D node with on clicked event. Note you will have remove sound from style of button.



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