Changing Audio Settings by Mix Class Overriding not working

Hello, I’m trying to implement Audio Settings, very basic volume adjustment of 2 Sound Class handled by 1 Main Sound Mix Class.

My Values are well registered on User changes, and are well saved when I launch back the game.

But the Audio Volume is never changed on any of my Played Sounds.

It is my first game development, and sadly I started to store and launch my Saves Objects on my Character Blueprint ( I probably I still didn’t figure out how Saves Objects work totally though ), and in this situation I use the node “Set Sound Mix Class Override” to apply the before Saved Values from my Character Begin Play.

I might try to go for a simple variable “X Class Sound Modifier”, that I will plug to all the sounds of the X Class one by one, but I’m willing to learn good habits.

Thanks for reading, any advice/answer are appreciated !! :slight_smile:

Found my solution, I was using the node “Push Sound Mix Modifier” only at the Loading phase in my Character Blueprint.

Adding it in my Widget Blueprint, at the very end of the Apply Button Clicked Event on my screen above, fixed my issue.