Changing Animations by Weapon Enum?

Hey everyone. I’m having a rather big problem when it comes to my weapon system. I’ve currently set up all the models to change via a key press:

The models change correctly, but I also wanted to change the animations by the key press. So, I set up a basic AnimGraph to change each Locomotive depending on which Weapon I’m using, presumably defined by the Enum state I have. But it doesn’t want to work?

Can anyone please help me? I have a deadline coming up very soon and I need to have this finished. If you need any more information, please comment in the thread!

Have you tried looking at the Enum value in the AnimGraph at run time and seeing what you get?

Looking at the AnimGraph, none of the locomotions even fire while I’m pressing keys or anything. I’m a bit new at this so I have no idea what to do!

You mean like this? This is a totally academic example as it wont work as you want but i think its enough to show you how it should work…

On Thirdpersoncharacter blueprint is sets the bool of the animation class to true, on the animation class, it will now “open” the branch that plays that animation. of course, you need to add extra logic on the conditions to play that branch, but you get the idea…something like “If Fire AND Weapon 1 → Can enter transition”.
hope it helps.

in case you are wondering where those variables (lower right corner) are stored, its inside the ThirdPerson_AnimBP

Mate you’re a genius! If you lived near me I’d buy you a pint!

glad it helped, best of lucks on your project

Hey KylePCT and jblaswu, I have been looking for someone to ask a few questions about this very topic. if you get some time, may you please respond? I posted here but no one else ever answers.