Changin variable only on a placed actor


I am in a process of making RTS game and I wanted to implement " upgrade system ". Now i have menu with category in which are buildings, in this case we will use House object. I made 2 booleans in House blueprint : " Modern House " and " Villa ". Now when I place that building with that blueprint, when I click on that building i want to upgrade it by changing boolean, but only way I found includes changing variables for all placed and all houses that are going to be placed. Now my question is : Can i change variables of only that one actor that is placed. I made a " Clicked Actor " Actor reference that will be used to determine which actor is seleced, now can i change lets say " villa " boolean on that one only ?

Thank you anyway ! <3

Product Version: UE 4.15

Yes you can, you’ll want to use Casting. Casting takes a reference and gets you it’s data from it’s class so you can access it.

So what you’ll want is Get “ClickedActor”, and cast it to “House”. Then off the cast, Set “Villa” to true.

God, I feel so stupid rn :confused: Thank you sir, thank you very much !