Changes to Reviews and Questions on UE Marketplace

Reviews and questions were the base reading before a “go / no go” buying decision… There is no problem to update this system, in fact it has already been updated in the past and those elements were stored in the “legacy comments” section. But there was no heavy service interruption even then, so it seems totally unjustified to shut off the current review / questions system now, if the replacing one is not yet ready. And everything should be accessible on the new one as a “legacy+” comments and review section…

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Just responded to a customer question on one of my asset packs. Looks like we are back in business!!! Thanks @Unreal_Josh !!!

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Heya @Packetdancer - I understand all this of course, but I still don’t buy (or perhaps don’t understand) the necessity and the popularity of it all. This desire for verification reminds me of the days (hopefully long gone by now !) when tech enthusiasts were trying to make everyone believe that blockchain verification would solve all the worlds problems, from financial markets to buying concert tickets :smiley:

Regarding the example of someone with a pirated product jumping on a public Discord and asking a fishy question (for instance refering to an aspect of the product that has been changed/fixed in an update) : well, all there is to do is to ban this user from the server. And isn’t this scenario of non-legit buyers asking support questions mostly hypothetical anyways ? Put differently : aren’t sellers just assuming that they need to authenticate everyone in order to run a healthy Discord group chat ?

All that said I do understand that not every product is the same, with some leading to more technical support questions than others, definitely ; and I can’t make any assumptions based only on my own case only.

At the end of the day I certainly wish that the Questions section was bit more elegantly laid out, as the current nested design makes things needlessly hard to read.


Perhaps a ticketing system should be put into place, I mean, as sellers, we are verified as true individuals/businesses, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to sell assets on the marketplace. Buyers have to have some means to pay and are also verified to some extent.

Enroll our creators and buyers into a ticketing database, any issues related to a product come directly to the registered email address.

I mean, if I had to deal with dozens, hundreds, or thousands of users, a ticketing system is the only realistic solution to mediate those questions and concerns, Discord simply isn’t viable imho unless you had a dedicated team supporting that Discord server.

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Can you elaborate a bit more on what these new “company-wide data privacy and security policies” are? If it is an ongoing process then why was it necessary to nuke everything instantly without prior notice, and why is it now not a problem anymore two days later? What kind of sensitive information were you expecting to find in the form of reviews and questions? Were some questions/reviews removed or did you just change something technical in the backend?

I am as happy as the next guy that the system is back, but the whole way this was handled just makes Epic look frantic and unpredictable, and the explanation as it stands doesn’t make much sense. Telling the community exactly what happened and why could possibly restore some trust.

It would also be nice if you could confirm whether this was it now, or if there will be more unannounced surprises down the line.


So who is the SUPER-genius that decided that making things worse would fix it?!

Put the goram questions and comments BACK, those had a lot of useful and critical information in them!

Very based. Thank you.

Thanks Josh for shedding some light on the issue, and for finding a way to maintain the current system in the interim.


Thanks @Unreal_Josh for reversing it this quickly. We welcome any upgrades and enhancements as long as it is done in a sensible manner. Looking forward to what is in store this year.

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Ironically, I am looking for a job… though I’m more of a software engineer than a project manager. Thanks for taking the time to read my TEDTalk post, I know it wasn’t short. :joy:

Sounds great! If you’d like more feedback, my previous post includes a plethora of suggestions/improvement ideas in a fairly well organized manner.

Transparency is key. Your initial post would have been better received if you explained that it was part of an updated policy on privacy and data protection and if it were posted 2 weeks in advance. Instead, it made your team seem incompetent and unfamiliar with migration planning.

That said, removal of those features was still a very poor decision… and as @GRIMTEC stated, your explanation of everything is still quite lacking. If it only took 2 days for you to be able to re-enable them as a result of community feedback, why couldn’t you have done X changes to begin with and avoided disabling them from the start? I’d HIGHLY suggest being more transparent, giving the community notices in advance (thus giving you a chance to collect feedback in advance), and avoid making spur-of-the-moment drastic changes that severely impact the usability of your systems.

I’m glad to see they’ve been restored.


@Unreal_Josh @Amanda.Schade Do you think this is fair?


That’d be great if the creator ONLY sold on the Unreal Engine Marketplace… but if they sell on Unity, ArtStation, etc. too and each platform had it’s own integrated ticketing system… that would also be annoying to manage.

A more ideal solution would be a proper API that creators and third parties could tap into… they could then create their own ticket system, sign up for a multi-tenant third-party ticket system, use a Discord bot, or w/e they want.

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Thanx a lot for bringing those Reviews and Questions BACK! Much appreciated!
And I hope those existing reviews and questions find their way into a “new” review/FAQ system…


Blessings! Thank you for bringing back questions and written reviews. I was looking to make a purchase yesterday and felt so lost without the questions and written reviews. I had a few questions I was waiting for answers for and could read them today. PLEASE don’t get rid of the questions and written reviews in the marketplace updates/changes. It does save time for sellers and purchasers.


Great news, @Unreal_Josh - thank you very much for rolling back the changes & giving us details on what led to the changes originally.

I know that there is bitterness over how all of this transpired & some even lost their cool, but rather than adding onto that, I’ll extract the good I saw here. This thread shows that most here are very good-hearted, intelligent people that are more than willing to work with the devs on the things you want and need to do for improvement & compliance.

Many of us have made and/or spent significant sums of money in the marketplace & have a lot of valuable input we can share with you on how to improve marketplace B2B & B2C relations, followership, sales, & communication. For example, CGTrader provided us very detailed surveys on a sleuth of marketplace improvements they offered us (and asked for our own input) & the organizers received invaluable information on handling everything from price manipulation problems, how products should rank, pain points for buyers/sellers, & how they should approach AI.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Many of us will definitely help you if you need us - and we look forward to all the improvements your staff wish to roll out.


It seems, now that things are reinstated, that people are no longer receiving emails when their questions are answered… Both myself and another person who left questions got a repsonse but only noticed via manual checking. Which is going to cause a lot of people to assume they were not responded to…

With regard to the “Verifies”, how about a seperate verify page? That way the seller can see the Key icon which shows that the user purchased the asset. And it would keep the Verifies off of the questions page.

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@apoisonedgift : I would say it’s safe to assume that things only got partially re-instated. After all, people complained about the disappearing of reviews and questions ; but another thing that likely disappeared too, is the daily email when new reviews and questions are posted. Which was an excellent feature, because it allows to only be concerned with support once a day/only when necessary.

@Unreal_Josh : could you please clearly explain the status of email summaries as of today ?


You should remove all reviews with a # in them since this would fix the verification issue because there are not any reviews which use a # in them normally.