Changes on PhysX Lib

Hello everyone,

In version 4.12.5 me and a few other people getting an error message of the physx library.
It has something to do with NpRigidBodyTemplate.h.
It’s throwing an error message in the cooker:

LogPhysics:Error: PHYSX: (d:\ori.cohen_g6217_physics\engine\source hirdparty\physx\physx-3.3\source\physx\src\NpRigidBodyTemplate.h 437) eINVALID_PARAMETER : RigidBody::setRigidBodyFlag: kinematic bodies with CCD enabled are not supported! CCD will be ignored.

This will stop the cooker to cook the content successfully.

My thoughts to cook successfully :
Maybe just remove the error throwing in the .h to cook successfully.
But how do I change the source in the engine thirdparty library?
There is a source folder -> Will it recompile with the engine?

What I tried:
Downloading the physx sdk from github, made a few changes in the source, compiled it and copied the source and the librarys.
This will cause an massive error in compiler when I recompile the engine.
( Something with MT_ static and MD_ dynamic )

What am I doing now?
I’ve deleted all librarys from the thirdparty lib folder of physx and recompiling the engine now.

Does anyone have a solution for this?


I have the same problem.