Changes in C++ doesn't affect Blueprint (UE 5.4.4)


I am facing an issue that when I put some changes in C++ code in the class of which I have a inherit blueprint, the changes do not take any effect on Blueprint in Unreal Editor (with unreal editor opened).

As far as I know hot reload only works when there are small changes in cpp files. But I am doing such changes.

The ‘hot reload’ window even doesn’t appear.

UE built from source of version 5.4.4
Ubuntu 22.04

Issue happens when:

  1. In vscode terminal I open UnrealEditor from UE folder, then choose my project and launch it.
  2. I do some changes and build target TheWalkerGameEditor Linux DebugGame Build
  3. No changes appear

I tried:

  • different techniques like reparenting, reloading assets and etc from UEditor

I only can relaunch UEditor, but sometimes even that doesn’t work (I can’t find what the circumstances are).

Targets I tried for building:
‘TheWalkerGame Linux DebugGame Build’
‘TheWalkerGame Linux Development Build’
‘TheWalkerGameEditor Linux DebugGame Build’
‘TheWalkerGameEditor Linux Development Build’

What should I do? Maybe I am just choosing wrong target for building? But why then after relaunch of UEditor changes appear (but not always)?

Hot reload is hot garbage…and disable live coding. When people say that hot reload is good for small changes that almost exclusively applies to small changes in functionality. If you’re making changes that effect the CDO (adding components, changing property defaults, etc.) then you are running a risk. In my experience if you’re doing that sort of thing, or adding functions to classes and exposing them to BP, etc…you should be relaunching the editor. Hot reload is really good for micro adjustments. So let’s say you have a pre-existing function and you want to adjust the behavior of that function. It’s money there.