I am facing an issue that when I put some changes in C++ code in the class of which I have a inherit blueprint, the changes do not take any effect on Blueprint in Unreal Editor (with unreal editor opened).
As far as I know hot reload only works when there are small changes in cpp files. But I am doing such changes.
The ‘hot reload’ window even doesn’t appear.
UE built from source of version 5.4.4
Ubuntu 22.04
Issue happens when:
- In vscode terminal I open UnrealEditor from UE folder, then choose my project and launch it.
- I do some changes and build target TheWalkerGameEditor Linux DebugGame Build
- No changes appear
I tried:
- different techniques like reparenting, reloading assets and etc from UEditor
I only can relaunch UEditor, but sometimes even that doesn’t work (I can’t find what the circumstances are).
Targets I tried for building:
‘TheWalkerGame Linux DebugGame Build’
‘TheWalkerGame Linux Development Build’
‘TheWalkerGameEditor Linux DebugGame Build’
‘TheWalkerGameEditor Linux Development Build’
What should I do? Maybe I am just choosing wrong target for building? But why then after relaunch of UEditor changes appear (but not always)?